

なお、 これに関連して在日オランダ大使館に対しオランダに対する偏見を助長する番組であるとして、日本テレビの報道について報告の文書と同番組録画ビデオ等を送付しました。

代表取締役 氏家齊一郎殿
代表取締役 間部耕苹殿



1. 「麻薬汚染」「潜入」などの言葉や過剰な効果音、映像効果などを多用し、「大麻=恐ろしい麻薬」といった大麻に対するネガティヴなイメージを視聴者に抱かせることを意図した演出が随所に見られます。これは大麻に関する御社の一方的、偏向的な意見を視聴者に押し付けるものではないでしょうか。大麻の有害性については海外のみならず日本国内においても賛否両論あるという今日の現状に対して事実認識が欠如しており、かつ放送法、日本民間放送連盟放送基準、ならびに御社の放送基準において規定されている「公平」「公正」といった視点を欠いていると考えます。

2. 日本国内における規制薬物濫用の大きな原因が、あたかもオランダの大麻非犯罪化政策にあるかのような誤解を抱きかねない構成となっていますが、その因果関係には何ら明確な根拠がありません。日本での薬物濫用の責任をオランダ政府の大麻政策に求めるのは、極めて的外れな責任転嫁であり、また「深刻な麻薬汚染に苦しんでいる」等、視聴者のオランダ国民及び同政府に対するイメージを不当に貶める恐れがあるのでは、との危惧を抱きます。

3. 大会参加者の発言として、日本における営利目的での大麻栽培、販売が「簡単で、市場も成長しており、大きな利益が見込まれる」とあり、また番組では「種子の輸入や所持は取り締まられない」と説明しています。これは模倣犯の発生を誘発する可能性がないでしょうか。御社の放送基準では「基本方針 - 犯罪」に「模倣の欲望を示唆するような取り扱いをしてはならない」とありますが、今回の番組内容はこの基準とは全く相反するものではないかと考えます。

4. 今回の取材では「身分を偽って隠し撮り」という手法が用いられていますが、善意の一般日本人旅行者を騙すという、取材者の道義性・品性を疑う大変卑劣な行為です。また、オランダでは非犯罪化されている大麻のイベントに「一般参加者を装い潜入」する必然性はなく、隠し撮りは単に映像的に「アンダーグラウンドなイベント」とのイメージを得たいがための演出であるとの感が否めません。







Dear Mr. E.F. Jacobs,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Netherlands to Japan

We are Cannabist, a non-profit citizen activist organization located here in Tokyo, calling for decriminalization of personal use of cannabis in Japan. The recent worldwide public debates over the policies related to cannabis has been gaining momentum in support of decriminalization, backed by scientific evidence and viewpoints of human rights. As of January 19, 2002, Cannabist consists of 742 members unified by a shared desire to bring an end to the widespread general misunderstanding among the Japanese public regarding the risks of personal use of cannabis. This general misunderstanding has retarded rational reconsideration of the current policy that prohibits the personal use of cannabis. The current policy has caused what we consider to be wrongful violations of human rights. There have been over one thousand arrests each year, and those who have been arrested have been subjects to often severely strict punishments completely disproportional, and uncalled for, considering the fact that personal use of cannabis only poses more or less equivalent risks as compared to tobacco and alcohol in terms of personal health and overall safety of the general public.

We have been active since the year 1999, and through our efforts to decriminalize personal use of cannabis, we aim to make our own society freer and better.

While we are aware of the successful drug policy adopted by the Dutch government, we are also aware of the continued debates over the details of the policy and of varied opinions that continue to exist. We are writing this letter without any assumption about your own personal view regarding this issue, nor are we pleading to gain your support.

On December 26th, 2001, starting from 5:30 pm, Nihon Television (Channel 4), which is one of the most influential TV stations in Japan, broadcasted a TV show titled "News Plus 1 no Nenmatsu Tokuban (News Plus 1, the End of the Year Special)". During this show, they have portrayed 14th Annual Cannabis Cup, hosted by High Times Magazine that took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands in November, 2001. In their portrayal of the event, it is apparent that Nihon Television lacked any effort to offer the viewers unbiased viewpoints. Rather, it was obvious that there has been an intention to distort the Cannabis Cup as some kind of fearsome 'underground' event and wrongfully suggest to the viewers that the drug problems that exist in Japan may have stemmed from the drug policy adopted by the Dutch government. We fear that such contents of the TV show may instigate misunderstanding, if not prejudice, toward the Netherlands and its citizens.

While we are aware that this is completely unsolicited, we felt that the TV show requires your viewing. We apologize for the sudden intrusion upon your busy schedule. However, please understand that we have decided to take it upon ourselves to report to you about the TV show in hopes that the friendship between our countries and citizens will remain solidly intact.

On January 8th, we have submitted a formal complaint to Nihon Television on the ground that the TV show has lacked sensible responsibilities. We have done so as part of our efforts to bring an end to the widespread general misunderstanding related to cannabis among the Japanese public.

For your information and viewing, we have enclosed the following items in this parcel.

1. A copy of VHS tape that recorded the applicable segment of the TV show
2. A copy of our formal complaint submitted to Nihon Television
3. Copies of our newsletter, "Cannabis News" Vol. 1 - Vol. 7

Best Regards,

Address: 2-6-19-101 Sakurashinmachi Setagaya-ku Tokyo 154-0015 Japan
Phone: +81-3-3706-6885
http://www.cannabist.org/ (Only in Japanese, sorry)


駐日特命全権大使 Mr. E.F. Jacobs




